CV Protocol

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Protocol selection guidelines:

  • For known/suspected ascending aortic aneurysm or dissection: Use gated CTA (prospective is much lower dose and preferred)
  • For known/suspected descending aortic aneurysm or dissection: Use non-gated CTA
  • For chest pain, r/o dissection/aneurysm: Use non-gated CTA

Contrast guidelines:

  • Acute Aorta (dissection, intramural hematoma, penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer): protocol as BOTH noncon and with contrast
  • Repaired aneurysm w/ endovascular stent:
    • Protocol as BOTH noncon and with contrast and put 2 min delay in comments
    • FYI only - UWHC does some of these as non only, but that requires immediate access to 3D volume calculations which we don't have available at 1SP or Meriter
  • Repaired aneurysm w/ open surgical repair: protocol as BOTH noncon and with contrast
  • Known unrepaired aneurysm f/u: single phase - noncon only is fine, or CTA arterial phase is acceptable instead